уторак, 17. мај 2011.

How Much Formula To Feed Baby

There is no precise and exact data on how milk should be adapted to your baby. As with adults, babies appetite varies from day to day, from feeding to feeding.

As a rough guide how much you can take your baby probably will be during the day by taking an average of 70 g a formula for every 450 g of weight of your baby. For example, babies 4500 g heavy will eat about 700 g formula for 24 hours. Keep in mind that this will not apply to smaller babies, premature babies or babies over 6 months of age.
It is also important to remember that all babies are different, some have a greater appetite than others bearing in mind that your baby is still physically progressing and if your pediatrician is satisfied with his / her progress, then why you do not have to worry about.
You will notice that generally baby taking less milk you do not feel good, and more milk when you grow faster (this typically occurs between 2.3. and 6 weeks and 3 and 6 months of age), and this is completely normal.
Rough guide
Newborns - The first weeks of life baby should eat less and more than once a day because their tummy is not big enough to hold large amounts of milk at once. Many babies will consume somewhere between 30 and 60 ml per meal, eating 8 - 10 times a day.
One month baby - During the first months your baby will begin to take more milk during the meal each time, gradually increasing the amount of 60 - 90 ml 90 - 120 ml per serving.
It would be good each time increase the amount of milk to 30 ml per serving because it will provide enough milk to your baby every time she feels can increase their meal, and also to prevent interruption of meals, if the baby is still hungry to make a additional amount that will saturate. When your baby starts to empty the whole bottle with the regular amount (though you should never force your baby to drink all the milk if you do not want to) you will know that your baby is increased appetite.
2 months old baby - When your baby turns two months, will require food 6-8 times a day, consuming 120-180 ml at each meal.
4 month old baby - 4 months old babies typically need 4-5 servings per day and consume 180-200 ml of milk per meal.
6 months old baby - By the time your baby turns 6 months, usually require 3-4 meals a day with consumption of 200-220 ml of milk per meal.
When you start introducing solid foods to your baby's diet quantity of milk is essential to your baby, will gradually be reduced. However, many babies will still need adapted 600 ml of milk a day even when they establish the quantity and the intake of solid food.
Many parents feel that giving a bottle with milk in the morning and at bedtime, reduces the required amount of formula. Some believe that this is a good routine for babies and parents, but eventually you realize yourself what's best for you.
One year baby - When your baby is a year old, you can start getting used to the full-fat cow's milk. Baby should be continued for 350 ml per day to ensure continuity in her nutrients it needs.
For more visit Baby Milk

среда, 13. април 2011.

Baby Milk Video

                                                                             Baby Milk

уторак, 12. април 2011.

Baby Choose Milk

According to the recommendations of the Committee for the nutrition of the European Union, from January, manufacturers changed the standards in the production of adapted milk. Why is this important? Any mother who, for whatever reason can’t breastfeed her child immediately after discharge from the hospital wants to know that milk is best for her newborn baby, since almost all children have problems with their tummy in the first few months.

In the new milk formulas are represented in the optimal amounts of lactose (milk sugar), and the latest standards for white sugar (sucrose) in milk should not be present even in trace amounts!

In addition, under the new criteria of quality, milk formula is not merely an imitation of her mother’s. Milk formula should achieve the same biological effect, that his taking the baby to be healthy, to grow properly and have good immunity. The milk for babies is therefore added to the LC-PUFA, and fatty acids that are important for vision and brain development. It was found, namely, that the child is much better mentally develops when they clearly perceive objects and characters before they reach six months.

Healing and nutritional

Baby milk who deviates from the prescribed standards must not be used. Caramel sugar, disputed is not harmful, differs from the established rules and has a lower nutritional value. It is most important for babies, parents and the whole society that milk comes directly from the manufacture, as confirmed by a customs declaration indicating the composition, place of manufacture and date. This document is required and so that we ensure that our babies use milk that is distributed in the European Union.

Of particular importance to the maternity wards, are different brands of milk, because although they are similar, they are not of the same composition, and have different tastes, even when they are whit completely identical nutritional value.

If the mother accepts the advice from the doctors as a medical rather than a recommendation, the baby can get milk that does not suit her taste. Instead it develops gradually and slowly takes food that he likes the child will ingest milk in order to satisfy hunger, lately it will “jam” food in itself, and more likely to be obese in adulthood. This is just one reason why it is important that our children have different milk formulas available.

Some babies suffer when they have stomach cramps and gas. These problems arise because the capacity of the digestion of milk sugar by small children is limited. Then it should help milk formula with reduced lactose.

It is advised to the parents to study of baby milk for healthy and sick children and to choose some reputable global manufacturers that have already been present for decades in market. Necessarily see the declaration of origin and try the milk before use, because it is important that babies get milk of a pleasant taste.

Why not cow’s milk

Cow’s milk has too much protein and minerals, and can overwhelm a baby’s little organism. It has low fatty acids that are needed for normal growth and development of infants, and very little vitamin C and E, iodine and iron which are poorly absorbed, so the children fed whit cow’s milk are anemic.

For more on Baby Milk visit baby portal http://baby-milk.net/
You can also visit our friends How Much formula To Feed Baby.